• One Earth Four Races

One Earth Four Races

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  • 26 x 26 inches
    Silkscreen on Arches Rag Mat paper
    Edition size: 115

    This print depicts mother earth as the central image, with the four races of man around her. The four races that share the earth are symbolized by the four sacred colors: red, white, black, and yellow. The common bond between the nations is symbolized by positioning them in a circle around the earth. The circle is important in Native spirituality, symbolizing wholeness, balance, and the natural cycle of life. The four colors are also the sacred colors of the medicine wheel. The four attributes of the medicine wheel are the intellectual, spiritual, physical and emotional.

In addition to traditional Kwakiutl designs, David has created Contemporary Indigenous prints that represent the issues and history of our time. He believes that Northwest Native American traditional art is a foundation to build upon, not a boundary to restrain creativity..

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